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Shaun, 34 y.o.
Danbury, United States [Current City]



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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
inactive user
Hey =] I'm Kayla, I talked to you on my old profile but i have a new profile now so, i figured i'd drop u a line and say wats up? :) :)
inactive user

Ur real cute
how arr you?

inactive user
I\'m a japanese girl:)
How are you?
I like a movoie hanakimi.
inactive user
Hi, how are you? Your sunglasses are really nice. Yekllow is my favourite colour (^ ^). What`s your fav. colour? Do you know Death Note? I like this Manga very much. What games do you play? The last days I play Final Fantasy 12.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2007
hello^^do u remember me? long time no see:9kikiki
Reply - Conversation - Oct 19, 2007
inactive user
Well thank you much :) i was in the rain that day xD Lol. But I just dyed it, so thats why i have pink streaking down my face. Don\'t know if you can see that part or not.. but yeah :) I thought it looked pretty cool :) So have u lived in New York all your life?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 7, 2007
well its a high school and theres several majors, you have at least two classes in w.e major u qualify for, u have to tryout for a position. just IM me if u want idk wat eles to tell u
inactive user
Hey =] im not from Japan... and not really from another part of the world.. {tho, personally Oklahoma is a country in itself xD} I\'d love to talk to you, if you would ^^ -
inactive user
hey hows it going?
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