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Tuco ramirez, 109 y.o.
Albuquerque, United States [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 4 of 4.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 13, 2009
thank you
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2009
well, err... hard to tell........
last seen crossign the frontier, southwards

still, not seen or heard about amongst settlers living there; might still be on the run, or collapsed; thus, gold to find.

how, the hell, did you manage to leave the graveyard?
inactive user
Give Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez blondies with me now HAHAHAHAHA
inactive user
Hey, nice to meet you too, Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez :D I'm alexa

I'm great, thanks. how about you?? :)

And hmm, i don't know if there's a lot i could do, you just have to keep looking for a blonde yourself haha :D
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