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Theresia, 32 y.o.
Bandung, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 145.
inactive user
Hi friend
Reply - Conversation - Apr 28, 2013
Happy Birthday! Wish you good luck, health, love and everything you want !
inactive user
I would go in thailand, indonesia, japan, korea and in china
inactive user
thanks for your comment..
how are you ? :)
inactive user
I'm really sorry
right now I am very care
I prepare my trip
I want you continue to talk
Do you agree?
inactive user
hi :)
how are you ?
i'm so sad because a long time not speak with you
inactive user
heyyyy :DDD sorry i didn't come here to interpals since ages D: how are you?
inactive user
Actually there are quite a few Indonesians working here.. so if they can do it, so can you! By the way, what kind of job are you thinking of applying for?
inactive user
Sure! Let me know when you come to Singapore :) I can show you around! I have never gone to Indonesia.. i only know Indonesia through television :) I am working now as a childcare teacher :)
inactive user
Thank you :) I envy yor fair skin and smile too! I am from Singapore though.. but i have visites johor, kuala lumpur & sabah in malaysia.. I have yet to visit your country! Ungu is awesome! I find Kekasih Gelapku so sad :( but i like the melody.. peterpan was my first indonesia band that i like...
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