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Ania, 28 y.o.
Podkowa Leśna, Poland [Current City]


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Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2015
Long live Alex Supertramp.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2015
You actually had to read 10 books per year? We didn't even have to read that much even if we learn 3 languages... Your English should be brilliant by now :D
Yes, Apocalypse now was inspired by Heart of Darkness, but only roughly. You can find similitudes like the travel over a dangerous river to their destination, a hype around Kurtz (more or less the bad guy, whose soul was rotten by the lunatic conditions in which he lives in) and a status of superiority of the white man. Their arrogance and non existant capability only end up in a total disaster.
I guess, I adore the book because of the caracters. Even though they might seem rotten to the core, there isn't only black and white. Nobody's simply hateable. Every single person has a believable background on which bases his entire actions ;)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 22, 2015
Yeah that's exactly the guy from 'Heart of darkness' and, funnily enough, that's one of his best books^^ My opinion. But i haven't read so much from him, only two books. The second one that I've read was 'Victory'. The characters from the books are very intriguing, unfortunately the plot is kinda strange.
You really had to read 'Heart of darkness' in school? Did you have some kind of specialisation in litterature?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2015
High school surely isn't an argument for not reading ;) believe me, I've been there and kept on doing what I wanted to... even read 3 or 4 books during the first half of the year
May I suggest something by Joseph Conrad? great author in my opinion, definitely worth a try))
inactive user
też głodna?! Przypadek? :P
Reply - Conversation - May 3, 2015
You cannot be so slim like that eating double cheese burgers and donuts!!
inactive user
Hi~I'm Ellen. Thank you for viewing=)))))))))))))))
inactive user
hahahahaha!!!! So Ms.doughnut
inactive user
never heard about it, listened to it, absolutely ******* love it!!!!
thank you so much!!!

hugss to you as well!! <3
Reply - Conversation - Feb 18, 2015
Hey ciao
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