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Samantha, 28 y.o.
Chicago, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 624.
inactive user
inactive user
hahahahaha no way dudeeee. its seems so wierd typing it online. hows high school!
inactive user
be good now, and no taking pot!!
inactive user
your friend there, mason2010, he's a child molester, freak twisted pervert, who admits to having sex with his little sister, he loves little girls, he harasses my friend and she told me of him, so spread the word and don't ever let some freak in like him, please, PLEASE be careful
inactive user
hey contact me please, i can't message you directly
inactive user
congrats!!!! well im really busy this year. im taking a college class and all so its taking a lot of my time. im quitting soccer and cross country (cross country part on punishment) and loooong story ill tell you what i did someday
inactive user
dear sam,
i have been so busyy i hardly get on anymore but thats gonna change cuz...IM GROUNDED!!! first time ever too so its all new to me! i think ill be grounded for a long time. anyway, i miss talking to you?

Hows your freshman year? hows dance? what classes are you taking this year.

- Ryan! :)
inactive user
haha cool. sam, you like rap?
inactive user
what song did you perform too. i have a thing for tht lyrical music for some reason! lol
inactive user
haha would you say youre one of the best!? im proud of you sam lol
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