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Titzu, 38 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City]

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Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 85.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 15, 2010
Dear Julie,
Of course I remember you. hehe . Where are you now? Still in Taiwan or have went back to France. Hope you had a very good time in Taiwan.
On Tuesday 6th, I went home for The spring Festival of China. Then I got back to Shanghai on Tuesday 20th. Do you know the spring Festival of China.? It is a big and traditional Festival in China.
I'm very envy you, because you can go to so many countries for tour. I have no time, only for work .
I do sales in Electronics Industry. My company is an agent of Foxconn which in Taiwan. lol, did you hear Foxconn inTaiwan?

Best wishes,
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2009
Julie !! You are log in interpals now !!
I wonder how is your life in taiwan, and it is a mercy that you are ok and you find a something to stay. ?;[ is it right sentence? haha. I;m pleased at the your message !! ]
Yes I;m preparing for a trip everyday and final exam.:D

Julie ! I'm sure you are doing well everything at Taiwan.!
I also want to meet you at MSN.. especially your voice ! haha:)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2009
JJJJJJJJJJulie!! ARe you OK? how are you? how's life?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2009
Julie ! what you told me is right !
Thanks for your advice and tips!! ^_^
These day I;m preparing for a trip so I didn't look for many languge school in Philippins. Actually I have very little information about Philippins so I'll be careful in choosing languge school.
what you told me is useful and helpful when I choose a languge school.
Really thanks Julie! :)

Julie! Are you ready to go to taiwan? how are you feeling?:)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2009
Ah..Julie ~:D.
I plan to go to Phillippine on May 2010. I'll study english at language institutions during 3months. not university.
And then I'll go to Newzealand, and I'll stay during about 8 months.. I think;

what do you think about this plan?..
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2009
Julie! I'm not bad. You?
I'm come back Interpals! :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 15, 2009
Julie !!!!!! I miss you too. reeeeeally ! :)
I have finished work now.. it's short- term work for special day.
So I'm sorry for late reply << I'm used to saying this. .. T_T
REally sorry.. I'll send a letter soon. :)

I hope to meet you on msn ! !!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2009
Hey there!

Awww... I want to go back to Taiwan so bad, it's such a beautiful country! Don't miss to visit Kenting in the very south!!!

I love Asia a lot, too. Murakami is soooo good!

My favourite Dolls-song is Girl Anachronism, I even got some of the lyrics as a tattoo :3
But actually I love most songs, have you heard the Amanda Palmer solo album, too?
What's your favourite?

But I think my French is not good enough for all of that stuff... it's still very basic bc I just started like... 2 months ago. I'm a litte above A1-level now :3 But I'll try my very best !___!

Zai jian! ;D
Reply - Conversation - Oct 23, 2009
hi,how r u today??
you are gonna be ok,hehe~
i think you misunderstood of my meaning,hehe,i said i was a senior in college,that means it's my last year in college,and i will graduate from my college next year^^
hehe,and i major in computer science and technology~
what did you study in college??
Reply - Conversation - Oct 23, 2009
Hi Julie,
I'm happy to hear from you too. There are many many places what I want to go , such as London ,Newwork, Australia, But I think I most want to go to Paris,which is a romantic city.
I'm a worker, What about you ?
Hope you will have a fantistic trip in November, and hope you also come to China.Welcome.
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