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Scholar08, 53 y.o.
Austin, United States [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 32.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 9
Hello there dear, nice meeting you here and it's a great pleasure meeting you once again,can we know more about each other if you won't mind dear?
inactive user
hello whats up how are u doing?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2008
Hi there always nice to passby am fine hope u 2 r doing great.
inactive user
bien...mucho besos, Sky
inactive user
Hola Scholar!
inactive user
hello friend thnks for the wall tell me about urself im glad to be ur new friend here have a nice day

from the phil
inactive user
My city Recife is locates in northeast.It's not a big city like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro but it's big.
inactive user
Where do you live in USA?
inactive user
A little difficult beacause with the crise we don't have a lot of export more.But I can say it's good.
inactive user
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