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Luke, 35 y.o.
Wadowice, Poland [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 207.
inactive user
a tak się składa, że mam :) i skype i gg:) do wyboru :))
inactive user
nie boję się ;) ja?:P
oczywiście, że mozesz :)
jak się zbiorę dokładnie z tą gitarą to wtedy będę TYLKO pytać :D
inactive user
np? :) chciałabym zacząć grać na gitarze a widzę, że interesujesz się tym :))
dziękuję dziękuję :) ja jestem okropną gadułą! :) ale za to milutką :D^^ (i skromną jak widać) :P
jeżeli będę miała pytania, na pewno się zgłoszę :)
inactive user
nie ma za co:))
tak, na pewno wiele interesujących rzeczy ;)
również pozdrawiam :))
inactive user
haha i guess so. i usually paint portraits and still life. sometimes landscapes. oohhh short story and poems? I am OK at writing. Not awesome! :(
inactive user
i like to paint and play video games :D
inactive user
hello ^^ hmm i have been playing for three years. Yes, I play, lol!! Hmmm, I like to play alternative rock music :D.
How about you?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 22, 2010
Yes, I perfectly understand :D
Well, I'm not that kind of girl, I already have a boyfriend, but new friends are always welcome :)
Soo...... One of my hobbies is learning languages, and i had already studied a romance language, a germanic language and i decided to study a slavic language... why not polish? I've studied for a couple months in livemocha, idk if u ever heard abt..... milo cie poznac;)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 21, 2010
czesc!, yeah i kno we dont know eachother, but i find cool to meet people from all countries of the world XD besides I studied polish for..... a couple months i think, then i started school and i hadnt much free time to study it, but soon I'll re-start studing it so..... u could help me :S sorry, if I bother you, it's ok, if you don't accept me as a friend. i wish u a good night!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 21, 2010
well that's good to hear! i've been a bit busy myself! ^.^ work and play never end! ^.^
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