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Maria, 31 y.o.
Carvoeiro, Portugal [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 22, 2010
Well.. honestly I have no idea what this course you've taken is about at all but feel free to show me more details. hobbies you say... yeah I have many of them just pick whatever you wish: writing poems and short stories in both languages I know, playing the guitar, talking to people believe me the list has almost no end. :) languages also are somewhere in beetwen these:)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 22, 2010
Cześć:) I did not say I won't accept your request. Just it has happened to me a couple of times before that I received requests from people who immidiatelly wanted to know if I have a girlfriend and so on and so on... so I'm just a bit careful now. But you seem to be a good and interesting person:) By the way how come you know my mothertongue?:> I'm impressed a bit xD
Reply - Conversation - Nov 21, 2010
Why do you want to be my friend? we don't know each other I suppose... so?
inactive user
Thank you for your comment......
There is a forest behind me....
Reply - Conversation - Nov 20, 2010
Hi Maria.welcome. How are u? Do u speak english?
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