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Sidney, 32 y.o.
Huntsville, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 30.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2014
Happy Birthday
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2013
happy b'day
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2012
happy birthday :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 24, 2012
must understand what punctuation is??? hmm interesting
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2012
i have dark brown naturally but i usually do black. i might go for plumb or something next time tho. eventually ill get to the wild colors.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2012
my husband put too much bleach in my hair, my hair is pretty thick and he misjuded the i had white hair with a black streak lol. nice to meet u too
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2012
Hello I'm Stephanie. what's up. I love your hair. I was going to do mine turquoise but it got kinda screwed up.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2012
Hi ^^ it seems like you're a nice and kind girl to me ^^ i hope we could be friends and know each other better ^^ ... i'll appreciate any replies from you ^^. thanks
inactive user
Hi, I decided to comply to your simple request to not write you neither a dry "hey" nor a "what's up". So it's because of the very first lines that I'm writing you, because if you're not answering to short and poor comments, you might do it to more sophisticated ones. Furthermore, I must say that honestly i didn't fully read your self-introduction. It's too much detailed. Also if you'd like for us to become friends (yes, i got it that you have a boyfriend), you'll have the chance to tell me something about you then. I hope not to have mistyped punctuation marks and to have written something readable, considering the fact I'm not an english native speaker. With kindness,
inactive user
I was looking for a new friend and what did I see... a place I reconized! Huntsville Alabama. Lol ... Guess i wouldnt make such a great penpal since I live so close. hahaha
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