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Tamara, 27 y.o.

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 198.
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
Matur nuwun layange dik Tamara. Panglima seneng banget ono wong Jowo sing gelem nulis layang nang panglima. Biyasane mbak mbak Jowo wedi ndeleng esem panglima sing serem iku! Banjur mlayu kocar kacir! hehehe Mbasi esemku serem banget atiku biadab! Eeeh ....atiku apik apik wae! Kandha tanggaku esem panglima koyo esem Gatot Koco! hahaha Boso jowo panglima isih jelek banget Tamara. Kulino wae panglima sek tas belajar boso Jawa. Tamara dadi guru boso jowo panglima doooong! hehe Panglima pengen buanget ngerti siaran ludruk neng You tube.Yen dadi guruku Tamara dak traktir mangan bakso presiden jokowi yaaaaaa! hehehe Puliiiz Tamara hehe Oh nogono ta Tamara soko Jawa Timur. Asalmu saka kutha ngendi Tamara? Wis suwe tinggal ing kutha jakarta? Panglima justru pengen blajar boso jowo soko Jawa Timur! Salam lemper saka londoh!
inactive user
Piye kabare ing kutho jakarta dik Tamara? Slamat ana presiden anyar! Wong Jowo sing simpatik lan lucu maneh! hehe Kabare pak Jokowi arep mbrusakno UN! Waaah Tamara mesti seneng banget yo!. Salam tulip saka londoh.
inactive user
Part of muslims do suicide terror : Hams, Al queada, Taliban etc
Part of muslims marry multiple wives
Part of muslims marry with like 9y.o children
Part of muslims in korea who is foreigner comite violent crimes like rape, murder
Part of muslims send support message on twitter to IS, ISIL when they massacre different kind of muslims

Part + Part + Part ...... = Whole muslim
Reply - Conversation - Jul 30, 2014
I once knew someone from Jakarta who taught me little bits of Indonesian but now I can't remember any! Except "Selamat pagi," and "Sayangku". :) Sorry just had to share that!!!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2014
Halo, halo... :)
Salam kenal ya, aku Ryan dari Bali.
*Aku gak nanya "apa kabar ", udah basi lah... *

Langsung aja yak.
aku lagi di surabaya nih. Lagi di deket daerah sutos. Minta rekomendasi tempat oke dong...??
bosen nih ,mager...
inactive user
It is a lesson for you! :)
inactive user
I like comedis.) I hate horrors because it destroys my mind.)
inactive user
Ok, understand.) Which genre do you prefer?)
inactive user
Do you think beauty is the main thing? I prefer mind and brain.)
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