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Lau, 33 y.o.
Beijing, China [Current City]

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 70.
inactive user
I have a friend who learns chinese in school, sometimes she shows me what she does :) And I like Super Junior M ^-^
inactive user
I can say "Wo ai ni" too ^-^ It's "Je t'aime" in french.
inactive user
Is it ni hao ? :) I can say it ^-^
inactive user
In french we say "Salut" or "Bonjour" :)
inactive user
Yes if you want ! :)
inactive user
Not at all xD
inactive user
I'm midnightcircuus on skype :) And I'm a high school student.
inactive user
Yes~ I have exams too in 4 months.
inactive user
I think I will doing my homeworks... -_- And I'm listening to music. And you ?
inactive user
Yes. :)
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