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Ola, 33 y.o.
Warsaw, Poland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals


Graduate degree

Relationship status


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 41.
inactive user
BEJS .. AHA... BEJS... AHA... ARE YOU READY!? aha... I used to run base like Juan Pierre
Now I run the bass hi hat and the snare
I used to bag girls like Birkin Bags
Now I bag B ([Beyonce:] Boy you hurtin' that)

nic nie kumam ale to w koncu JAY Z :D
inactive user
inactive user
weż czo status. ja jestem w miłości i nie jeste szczesliwa :P
inactive user
SAMA SE IĆ <3 nie no zostan ze mna!!!!!!!!!!
inactive user
Wieje sandalem na palsach
Gdzie hugh jackman?
inactive user
o co ci znowu chodzi> ogladaj lepiej gej of trones bo ci zaraz pospojleruje <3
inactive user
Kocium bejssss bejssa umtssss tsss
inactive user
se sprawdz na GUGLEMAPS :D Welcome to Uppsala! tam Wikingowie na mnie czekaja pod pierzyą z pucharem wina w dłoni
inactive user
tyyyyy bitch miałaś pisać pisac prace!! Marta mowi, ze piszesz chyba z Beziehungów !!
inactive user
nigdy wiecej <3
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