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Danuta, 28 y.o.
Bydgoszcz, Poland [Current City]


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Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 26, 2018
Nice looking photos
Reply - Conversation - Jun 23, 2017
hello,how are you?
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2017
Sorry I thought I replied to you!

Bad dutch bad! I thought my translation was much better maybe you need to pratice your polish more. I'm pretty sick now hope you doing much better?

UPDATE: I did send it this to you kind off??? but send it to myself instead lol... whoespie???
Reply - Conversation - Apr 29, 2017
btw "Lepiej wspolnie mowic, niz przeciwko sobie milczec. " is also one of my favorite quotes even do I have zero clue what it says :-P. Let me try to translate it for you:

Lepiej: first word I thought about was epilepsy and pie so something to do with a person who get eplilepsy when he/she see pies.

wspolnie: for me it looks likes "wil niet" what means don't want so I will go for that.

mowic: movie with wiches???

niz: sounds like "niet" what is not so I say not maybe is no that can also be mmm.

przeciwko: really don't know sound like it could be vodka or something with that strong alcohol.

sobie: sounds like sober what goes great with the strong alcohol

milczec: "miljoen zak" what means a miljoen bag???

So ruff translation of the quote "Lepiej wspolnie mowic, niz przeciwko sobie milczec." is: Billy who was eating pie get a epileptic attack when that happend a witch from a movie came out of the screen! The witch told Billy do you wanna have some strong alcohol? Billy said to the witch no I wanna stay sober. The witch told Billy what do you think of a miljoen bags of pie? Billy said yes to the witch and died of a overdose of pie.

The end?

What a horrible story was that but hey I was pretty close with my translation right?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 29, 2017
Sorry late respond! Was bussy trying to have a social life you know lol! But that's soo cool that pillow! How can I beat that? Don't look suprise if i'm going to sit at your spot :-P. I can not help myself the Sheldon that is in me controls me at that kind of moments. Question: "What was your most favorite episode (can also be a moment) of the big bang theory and why?"
Reply - Conversation - Apr 24, 2017
Love the clip ""! Was to die for ahahha so thanks for sharing the love <3 also for your information I do have a bazinga shirt is my proud possession (my precious).
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2017
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2016
You're welcome :)
inactive user
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