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Martina, 30 y.o.
Turin, Italy [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 373.
inactive user
oh did kim jong un visit you too? he just came by to say hi to me
inactive user
Thanks for viewing! :)
inactive user
idk, i was thinking it could be so explosive... maybe it could be nuclear..? or maybe that's pushing it
inactive user
yes i need to get him something for his birthday
inactive user
do you have accessories too for kim jong un?
inactive user
without, sadly, but thanks for the idea
inactive user
no at my table i only have north korean flag
inactive user
they see lots of spaghetti & meatballs
inactive user
I like to sing contemporary music; whatever I like from the radio. I had a very popular karaoke show in Waikiki for a number of years but outside of that I am happy to have some happy sound bubbling off of my lips. I am reading a biography of Mozart now and I wonder what it would have been like to have been as suffused with music from the very inception of life. Wondrous!
inactive user
No. I am a vocalist. But the ukulele is a favorite with local musicians here and, after reading your profile, I thought you'd enjoy knowing the meaning of the name!
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