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Madbuc11, 30 y.o.
Appleton, United States [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2014
Hello, I'm Kat
nice to meet you
inactive user
ah now I get it, well I hope they will let you have one soon ^^
inactive user
Hello~ :3
Evening, dear! *bows at knees, hands on cane knob*
What are you doing?
I'm just resting and having a cup of tea~
Allow me to introduce myself. My name, is Timothy D. Starnes! *heroic pose* Hehe~:3 Nice to meet youuuu! .U.
I'm quite fine!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2011
Hey man, how are you doing today? I came across your profile and figured I'd send you a message. I hope all is well.
inactive user
haha, it doesn't matter. I actually stopped counting the times I had to look up or ask the meaning of those things a long time ago myself ;)
although, how can you not have a phone, you don't need it?
inactive user
haha, it means that I have no school right now, just holiday (atm is at the moment)
inactive user
oo yeah packers it's a great nfl team, the QB Rodgers has well replaced favre.
I don't know your team i haven't watch this year the ncaa..
inactive user
so no =) many french like football ! here too we can make football but for the leisure,
and for me i like the detroit lions , and michigan volverines =P
and you ? what's your team ?
see you guys
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