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Lamvic2, 31 y.o.
Wakiso, Uganda [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 30.
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2013
inactive user
No I haven't. In the Uk christianity is a slowly declining religion, with muslim and no religion becoming the most believed in.
I see no reason to believe in something when I have no proof. I do not want or need to have a belief.
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2013
hahahahahah then i would say that ur in a lost world.
have u ever done something hurting in ur life before when u know that it is hurting?
inactive user
I do not believe they exists, however I believe in their symbolism, and what they represent.
inactive user
I follow no religion but am deeply interested in hinduism and buddhism.
inactive user
Apart from my arm tattoo none are religious, I enjoy getting tattoos and modifying my body as I find it aesthetically pleasing.
inactive user
Yes they are.
inactive user
If your good at chemistry heck yeah! :D
inactive user
i see you are very smart.thats good for you.this is just catch phrase boy.have a good time.
inactive user
:)think what you want)dont listen what i say)
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