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Kumelz, 37 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 15.
Reply - Conversation - May 5, 2014
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry I took so long to reply; I haven't been on in months. I hope you didn't think I was rejecting your request!

I would absolutely LOVE to help you with your English, if you're still looking for someone to do that. And about your offer to teach me Bahasa Indonesia, well. I'd love that too! if you're still up for it, that is.

Again, I apologize greatly for taking so long in replying. I really do need to get back into my language studies, which I will hopefully do over the summer.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2014
Hello, Kumala.
I'd be happy to help you improve your English. I currently help 3 overseas people who are studying English as well as a Japanese student who is attending a NZ university.
I think you are very brave to attempt TOEFL as it's quite a challenging exam. However, your written English appears to be quite good so it will be interesting to get your essay. If you wish, you can email me directly on but I will understand if you feel uncomfortable about doing so.
I'm a 74 year old retired man so being able to help people in this way helps me fill my time as well as being very mentally stimulating.
I look forward to seeing your essay.
Best wishes,
Reply - Conversation - Jun 1, 2013
thanx for being thorough, much appreciated, Im ter, by the way, that username is a word from my language, well thanx again and write me anytime u want.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2010
Hello, my name is Bastien :) that's written on my profile )). What is your ?
Do you already know some french ?
inactive user
Well we're amateurs but I do play drums and guitar! Nice to meet u!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 12, 2010
your language.. the basic and easy stuff like hi goodbye how are you, those things
Reply - Conversation - Mar 12, 2010
teach me some indonesian
inactive user
Thank u! That was greatly appreciated! Nice to meet u!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10, 2010
i think your english sounds perfect..
inactive user
apa lo kum liat2...
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