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Milo Edge, 38 y.o.
Bogotá, Colombia [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 75.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 9, 2014
Hola! Como vas? :D
Reply - Conversation - Jun 11, 2011
hola men cachaco, tambien soy diseñador grafico la vaina es sabes tantos idiomas hey? :P
Reply - Conversation - Dec 26, 2009 are you?
I hope you have passed a Merry christmas!!! that the peace of God it fills you from love and happiness to you and your home. . . . I hope God gives you what your dreams want to reach. . . ......And happy new year also!!!!. . . . that the year 2010....all your dreams are made reality, and that God illuminates your road and that it fills you with blessings, of love and union to you and all your family.....
It is your friend's mabel sincere desire

your friend mabel
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2009
hanya??! go makky! hehehehe
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2009
I recognize the pudding from my boss my hero!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2009
You miss college? Hah, I'm not too excited about it. Maybe things won't be as bad as I think though? was okay. Could've been worse. I go to a really small school so they made some slideshow thing with everyone's pictures and they took horrible, I mean HORRIBLE, pictures of me. n_n; Other than that it was okay.
inactive user
wow, Congratulations!!! xD
May your union be a long and happy one <3
then are you living with her now?? :)

I have been good! but I still don't get good guy :p
give me handsome and nice guy!!! haha
Reply - Conversation - May 27, 2009
Hehe. Thanks. ^^ I love visual kei. <3
I'm okay..Have to get ready for my High School graduation tonight. I'm finnaaallllyyy done! Lolz. ^o^ Well..not really because college comes next.
inactive user
oh long time no see!! :D how have you been??
for this way??
by the way, did you marry with her? 8)
Reply - Conversation - May 27, 2009
^.^ It's pretty. Your English isn't bad at all. o.o I can understand you perfectly, actually. Nice to meet you. ^^ How are you?
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