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Jack, 26 y.o.
Rochester, United States [Current City & Hometown]

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Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 9 months ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 24
Thank you Senator Bernie Sanders for standing up for all human life. He shows that it’s possible to value all innocent civilian life and condemn the atrocities committed by both Hamas and the IDF. Unlike most members of my government, he has the courage to resist the military industrial complex and influence of money in politics including lobbyists like AIPAC

“We are now in the absurd situation where Israel is using U.S. military assistance to block the delivery of U.S. humanitarian aid to Palestinians,” Mr. Sanders said. “If that is not crazy, I don’t know what is. But it is also a clear violation of U.S. law. Given that reality, we should not today even be having this debate. It is illegal to continue current military aid to Israel, let alone send another $9 billion with no strings attached.”
Reply - Conversation - Apr 19
Far too many innocent people have been killed in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. We need an end to the the Israeli invasion of Gaza and the colonization of the West Bank. The Israeli hostages also need to be released and returned safely to their loved ones. Remember that whether we’re Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Israeli, Palestinian, American, or Iranian, no matter our religious or national identities, we are all human beings. We must come together as people with shared humanity and demand an end to violence from all sides or the cycle of suffering and bloodshed will continue indefinitely 🌍 ☮️
Reply - Conversation - Apr 13
🕊️ ☮️ 🇵🇸 ❤️
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6
Hello everyone! I am looking for likeminded friends who would like to work together to take on the global power structures, promote peace (in Gaza 🇵🇸 Sudan 🇸🇩 Ukraine 🇺🇦 and elsewhere), and try to make a more equitable world! The problems of wealth inequality, misogyny, xenophobia, global conflict, and climate change are huge challenges, but there’s no chance of solving them unless we try.
Message me if you would like to connect! 🌍
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this site is better -
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this site is better -
Reply - Conversation - Oct 20
Hello everyone from around the world,

I normally don’t post here but the situation in Gaza is too dire not to take immediate action. Let me be clear, violence against civilians is never justified. This applies to the unforgivable atrocity committed by Hamas against Israeli civilians including women and children. But let me be equally clear that the acts of violence by the state of Israel against Palestinian civilians, half of whom are children, is equally unforgivable.

An immediate ceasefire is needed in Gaza to ensure that no more innocent Palestinians are murdered and to allow basic aid such as food, water, and medicine to be be distributed by the UN, the Red Crescent Movement, and other humanitarian organizations to the Palestinians who are being slaughtered by the thousands and who are desperately in need of these basic necessities due to the inhumane blockade of humanitarian aid imposed by Israel on Gaza.

I ask that everyone please contact their government representatives to pressure them to support an immediate ceasefire and end to the relentless air strikes to allow humanitarian aid to be allowed into Gaza to save innocent Palestinian lives. All people around the world should do this but it is especially important that those of us who live in countries such as the United States, the UK, France, Germany, and Japan who have influence over Israel, pressure our governments to do the only humane option and put an end to this collective punishment of innocent Palestinians for the crimes of Hamas. Israelis should also pressure their government to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza and cease the bombing of civilians. Massacring thousands of innocent Palestinian women and children does nothing to honor the lives of Israelis lost in the Hamas terrorist attack.

For those of us in the United States, there is an app called “5 Calls” which helps guide you in contacting your representatives to pressure our government to use its influence on Israel to stop the unconscionable, indiscriminate slaughter of Palestinian civilians and deprivation of their basic needs.

We must come together as a global community to help one another. Regardless of our nationality, religion, or ethnicity, at the end of the day, we are all human.

Thank you,

Jack McKeown
University of Rochester MD Candidate
inactive user
Great!! Still Glad to know that you are interested in Indian history. :)
inactive user
Ohh well if you ask me then it'd be bhagat Singh and Gandhi ji too. °^° Do you know about Indian history? Or something like that?
inactive user
Glad to know that.. So you must be a lover of non voilence or peace? I like his some thoughts or ideology !! But indeed was a great man. :)
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