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Irmoth, 33 y.o.
Bogor, Indonesia [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 47.
inactive user
hello:) apa khabar? :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 1, 2010

Here it's snowy and quite cold =)

I like solving Rubck's cube and playing intellectual games
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2010
Imaaaa aq bru bka interpals lgi
dah dpet yg bru?
Org mana?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 27, 2010
thanx ^^

hmmm,,, i like reading the novel,listening the music ^^
how about u ?
inactive user
O Yeah and my hobby is judo btw.
inactive user
Snowstorms are over it's raining here also. But it's not cold anymore:)
inactive user
i love sketching fashion, im going to study fashion...i love sports-ground hockey, soccer,tennis learning how to play the guitar and loving it...i sing as-well...i love to party and dance...and u?
yes me2!! 8-)
inactive user
you want to go in Korea one day????

me I'm fine!! really fine!!! hihihi

search pic of "europa park"!! and you will see!!! it's really good one!! XDDDD
inactive user
oohhh!! hi girl!!!!!
don't worried for the late!!!!! how are you???

rainy season.. you hate this, you like this, or you just don't care???

hhmm... I don't really know what I love about Korea!!! there is so many thing that I love!!!!! hihihihi
I love the culture, the language, the people, the landscape... hihi

I never been around the world too!! I just go out from france once, and it was to go one day in mausement park in Germany!! that's all!!
but I think if I had money, I will always travel!!! hihihi
inactive user
im good thanx........south africa..:) good u?
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