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Raziq, 28 y.o.
Rawang, Malaysia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 290.
inactive user
this site is better -
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2016
Haha,kind of..dan skrg dh x okay,no worries XP..
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2016
Reaction dia kelakar. B)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2015
Hi... Friend...,. I like to be a Friend of yours....i like your country very much... and i like to learn more about your country and Language.. can we be Friends???
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2015
How can you learn that many languages? Are you fluent in any of them? I would like to learn Spanish but I do not know where to start. Spanish seems to be the second language in the US today.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 13, 2015
bising a kau.sukati aku la nak tulis ape...
booo!! raziq noob XDD
inactive user
Why thank you good sir, they just keep flocking to me like maggots to a corpse, so I thought why not show everyone else what delightful beings they are.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 18, 2015
haha..mai sini
aku blanja hang
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2015
nak ape sayang :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2015
Hi! I suppose you've already forgotten me haha ^^' I was so busy because of my exams and haven't been here for a month (or even more). I'm so sorry I didn't reply to you, so I'll do it now if you don't mind, of course.
Yes, I'm a true Dragon Age fan :D Now, when I passed all my exams, I can finally spend a lot of time playing it~
So, what part do you like more? DA: Origins or DAII? I heard a lot of people don't like DAII... But I find it pretty good!
Hope you'll play Inquisition soon :) It's really interesting! And characters are just amazing!
And about other games... I play Skyrim, Mass Effect and some of Resident Evil games :) And you?
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