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Craig, 33 y.o.
Morinville, Canada [Current City]


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Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 33.
inactive user
well, Germany is (hopefully) about to win european championship in soccer again tomorrow. ;)
Actually over here we r going to have 30degrees the next days. I m studying media design and production - its bachelor of arts and I can go basically in any direction involving film, radio, tv, animation, print/screen design, advertising an all that stuff
inactive user
I m doing just fine. busy with my bachelor thesis atm. It started raining yesterday here too and I can't complain as I m just stuck inside with work.
Not many people watch hockey in Germany. They all crazy about soccer over here. I don t even know how we played.
inactive user
Hey Craig, how is it going over there? Congrats canada to world champion in hockey ;) no surprise at all...
inactive user
Happy Birthday !!! My Best -friend
have a good time everyday :)
inactive user
Happy Birthday! Have an amazing day :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2014
inactive user
Aww..haha of course their hair makes me annoying but they are so lovely xD
Then you can ride a horses ? I like their the beat of a horses hoofs haha :)))
inactive user
I dont have now but I had a parrot :D
I want to have dog or cat but my parents dont like them because of their hair :p
Thanks for leave comment on my wall :))))
Do you have other animals?
inactive user
Hi :)
I saw your profile and pictures. they are really nice!!
I love animals xD so when I saw your hores, I fall in love Lol!
I am really big lover of animals
inactive user
Yes, I love cooking too. I do everyday :)
So what is your best cooking?
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