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Ainanur, 34 y.o.
Sleman, Indonesia [Current City]
Selogiri, Indonesia [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2017
inactive user
inactive user
Yea it's already april and I'm back in Germany already.
Indonesia was really fun. And yes i made sure that i tried aa much food aa possible, even durian :D..
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2017
Hi Ainur,
It's our country if we buy fuel, calculated volume in liters such as fuel station (SPBU). But world oil price use barrel to calculated volume.

1 US Gallons (Barrel) = 159 litres
Barrel normally used to buy crude oil which still requires the process to be converted into light oil or heavy oil (Pertamax, Diesel Oil, Petrochemical, etc).

Why use Barrel?
Because the first find oildfiled in Pennsylvania by Colonel Drake at 1959.

At that time petroleum drilling results are placed in the barrel-barrel wood. The barrel itself comes from the barrel in the English word meaning "gentong".

Also greetings from Kota Kembang :p
inactive user
Oh ngono ta klambine luntur. Dikumbah nganggo Rinso ta! hihi
Rupane yo tetep ngefans kompeni! hihi
Panglima wes tau dulin nang Sleman. Sleman diliwati wae terus ngebuuut ke Borobodur! hehe
Ora wani adu tandhing rahwana. Butone elek tenan! Tak adu tandhing dhik Ainanur wae! Panglima mesthi menang! hihi
inactive user
Opo Dhik Ainanur ngefans karo Kompeni? hehe Kok klambine lan kerudunge oranye kabeh!
Panglima suweneng buanget! Salam kompeni.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2016
Nah itu dia susahnya cari buku buku itu di Indo. Intinya jangan ngarepin bakal ditranslate sama penerbit lokal deh, jadi mendingan impor yang konsekuensinya lebih mahal. Tapi mending gitu daripada pengetahuan kita stuck disitu2 aja, mbaknya bisa order ke atau periplus juga bisa.

Soccernomics punyanya Jonathan Wilson ya? Waktu itu baru baca beberapa halaman doang di toko buku pas mau beli eh stok bukunya udah kosong. Kalo fever pitch belum pernah baca sedangkan Miracle of Castel di Sangro masih nunggu giliran, mungkin abis kelarin Calcio nya John Foot :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6, 2016
Halo Aina, salam kenal... hahaha sayangnya gw bukan penggemar jebret dan ahay :)). Terima kasih, rekomendasi ya? Tergantung, lu sukanya sepak bola apa dulu..

Kalau penasaran sama teka teki tiki taka, mungkin bisa dibaca bukunya Guillem Balagu
Reply - Conversation - Jun 3, 2016
I am Abdulqader alsakkaf . i am from Yemen . i am 21 years .
i am studying industrial engineering in jordan .i like to meet and know anew people and know there culture
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