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Ailsma, 36 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person

Joined 5 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 53.
inactive user
Merci bcp ))
inactive user
Thanks :)
inactive user
inactive user
Thank you for all the sweet words you say.
inactive user
No, I'm not keen on clubbing all the night long. I prefer to sleep at night, at least to chat in the internet=)
inactive user
The same! Exactly the same!=))
inactive user
Things are all the same. It's week-end! Nice time to have a rest! What about you?
inactive user
Hello! How are you?
inactive user
salut !
ça va bien ?
inactive user
hi) i'm ok and you?
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