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Yujeong, 29 y.o.
Seongnam-si, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 36.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2013
No worries :D
That's a funny thing, I mean the "High School Senior Disease" >_< Ahaha !! LOL !! But it should go away :P

Awwhh, well, don't be afraid, if you know that you'll study then you should do fine :D Okay ? When will you have the exam ? :)
Awwhh, yeaahh, hope you'll do fine and have a high score :)

Ahaha, you will, it comes a bad period to everyone xD So, it's okay, don't you worry :P

Good, you have fun :3
Ahaha, how did water gun war go ?!?! ;)

Yep, I'm working :D It's going quite good :) It tires me out soon xD Eheh !! And it isn't that hard what I do, but I stand up nearly all day, so my feet hurts :O
Yeah, it is, so I should start now ;) Eheh !! It is enjoyable, but at times though :)
Aawwhh, thank you ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2013
Aawwhh, when school start again ? :)
Well, you still need to have fun though :/ Right ?
I think you can make it ^^ I mean to study and then can have a bit of fun too :D Why lethargic ? :O

Me ?? Well, I'm on my vacations too, but I'm working the morning and I should work the afternoon too, I guess !! :P Annnnddd, I don't have much time :O Coz I have to study too for september, I have an exam, it's a reparation exam for the subject I didn't do well :( So need to study all what I did of French and Politics all the same day o.O
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2013
Heyyy I'm fine thank youu :D I was waiting for you xD Ehehe !!
Nope you didn't xD I think you forgot, but It's okay :D
How are you anyways ? :D
inactive user
heeeey :D
I m here. yes I'm very late, sorry
And how about your life ? how r u ?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 17, 2013
It's okay ^^
Awh, that seems fun :D Eheheh !! The 15th I went to my friend 18th birthday ^^
And nope I don't know that but I google it and they look weird, but maybe are yummy xD EHEHEH ||
yeah, here is getting hot too :/ I hate it :O AHAH !!

Awwhh, try to study !!
inactive user
heeey what s up :D
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2013
Yeah, it is :D
AHAH !! Well, that's awesome then ;) Ehehehe !! :D

Aawhh, hot hot hot >_< Ehehe !! I hate it too hot :O I don't like hot weather, I like normal one :P
Good then :D
Mmh, well, today I ate at my sister's house and watched a film !!! Now I need to study u.u I usually study at night, and it's bad :/ AHAH !!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6, 2013
Ehehe, they really are high ;) And scary some :P
Aawh noo :) The ones in Korea are good too :) Ahaha !! They would ? If they like high one, of course they would:D Eheh !!
Well, everyone as different things, some better than the others, but don't worry, Everland is nice :D
inactive user
so you must to really hard for exam. yeah 1 years later I
sit for an examination.
Dou you know creep, by radiohead ? I like this song
Reply - Conversation - Jun 4, 2013
Awh, thank you :)
Eheheh, yeah they look really scary, but maybe at the end they aren't that much ;)
AHAHAH,, LOL You have a confusing head ;) Eheh !! I know what you mean, I get you :P Eheh !!
Mmmh, there are 2 big pars
1) "Gardaland"
2) "Mirabilandia" Here it should be the most high one in Italy !!
They have really high attractions, you should check them both on google :)
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