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Chanice, 32 y.o.
Guiyang, China [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 45.
inactive user
hello Chanice ! im Malaysian and i would love to teach you Malay language. but i hope u can teach me english too :) and we can do some exchange language conversations which is in malay and english. what say you?
inactive user
But you've dated with American guys? I thought that non-Asian girls don't find Asian guys attractive because we're smaller. And, maybe we look more feminine?
inactive user
Haha seems you're into not only China, but all countries in Asia lol
inactive user
hahaha I see. Everything seems so easy :)
As for learning Chinese, many Chinese grammar points are very logical for Thai people because they're almost the same as those in Thai.
Btw, Have you ever thought of getting a Chinese bf? just ask, please don't take it too serious :)
inactive user
Haha romantic languages sound romantic lol. I'm quite sure that Chinese pronunciation is very hard for the westerners. I always have problems with English tenses. I'm not sure if a tense I used is proper, and I'm sometimes very confused because there is no tense in Thai. Another big problem is a, an, the lol
inactive user
Haha English is very tricky. There are many words that are not pronounced as spelled, many grammar patterns which don't exist in most Asian languages. I've talked with a German girl. She said that she doesn't think German is hard since it's her first language, but, actually, German is an extremely difficult language.
I guess the reason why I think Chinese is not that difficult is, because it shares much similarity with Thai language.
inactive user
Haha in my opinion, English is more difficult than Chinese; however, Chinese writing is obviously way tougher.
inactive user
Hmm I think that I've replied you already, but the message disappeared.
Well, you can do both if you want.

Among all those languages you know, which one do you think is the most difficult?
inactive user
I see. No no I mean why it has to be London? Why don't you should to study in the U.S. or other countries like China,..
inactive user
Haha yeah you should. It is your passion to teach English in China, or it is a college mission? Ohh 2 years is too long. I thought that you would go there as a tourist and stay for, like 2 weeks lol.
Why London?
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