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Veronica, 35 y.o.
Padova, Italy [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 35.
inactive user
You too, Thanks! :-)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2011
Hello fellow Gemini! how are you?
But .. do you really believe horoscope signs have an influence? :O

Padova! i used to pray to San Antonio a lot :)

If you want to speak french, i can speak it with you: je parle le francais assez bien ;)
ma, l'italiano, non lo parlo molto bene, allora si lei vuole, possono parlare in francesi e italiana? :D
inactive user
Well, thanks for returning the favour! :D

No, sadly enough I didn't make my profile picture.. I'm not that artistic (I wish I were! :p). I actually found it on Google (you can realy find amazing things on google! :).

So, how's things in Italy then? All good??
inactive user
Hey, just dropping by to say that you have a nce profile.. and it's fun to see that I'm not the only one with a double personality... :D I think the double personalities makes the world a bit more fun to be in! :) Have a great day!! //Lina
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2011
Va be'! Anche ho aprenduto questa frase. Ma non é naturale per dirlo perche io sono di Porto Rico e noi non diciamo questo jajajaa
Ma "de puta madre" é molto divertito di dire.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2011
He aprendido italiano en la escuela superior y ahora lo estoy estudiando en la universidad :) Me encanta!!!
Y tu, ¿por que has decidido estudiar Español?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2011
Ciao! Come stai? Mi manca molto parlare/scrivere in italiano. Sono in spagna ora, ma anche posso aiutarti con il tuo spagnolo :)
Esta bien?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 28, 2011
Bonjour! Je suis Sarah et je serais heureux de vous parler! Vous avez étudié russe? c'est fou. J'aimerais faire part de quelques petites choses sur le Canada et j'aimerais en savoir un peu plus sur l'Italie, si ça ne sonne pas trop dure. Je ne suis pas à l'école, mais je vais étudier un peu de math cet été. Je vis sur le côté ouest du Canada (ile de Vancouver) et généralement nous n'avons pas beaucoup de neige et c'est juste l'herbe verte et beaucoup de pluie. Si vous savez quelque chose sur Seattle, c'est exactement comme ça. Nous avons montagnes étonnant si et il est possible de skier et surfer dans la même journée. Je l'aime.

Qu'est-ce que vous apprenez dans votre classe de pâtisserie? À l'heure actuelle, je suis potable "bubble tea", c'est génial.

J'espère que ta journée se passe bien: D
inactive user
Hmong is of course, an asian ethnicity xD Um, we originally came from China but somehow was taken over so we moved to Laos and Thailand. We don't have a country so we're kind of scattered everywhere. We gained entrance to come to the US i think during/ a little bit after the Vietnam war. We helped the Americans fight in the Vietnam war but was kept a secret. but i don't think it's a secret anymore haha. We speak Hmong lol, we borrow some words from Lao people and i think Chinese.. a little bit. Lol, i don't know anymore about the Hmong people. But yeah.. we suffered a lot :/

Thank you for asking! ^^
inactive user
Grazie <3!!
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