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Grace Morrow 昭茹, 27 y.o.
Stuart, United States [Current City]
Yichang, China [Hometown]



Looking for

Language practice


Bachelor's degree
Indian River State College


Freight at Home Depot

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 23.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2016
I wanted to do a business internship in Chengdu, but I went to SK instead (pretty good decision in the long run but I still wonder how life in China would have been)
I'm in South Korea again, I left for a small trip in HK but I'm returning to seoul in 15 days but I really want to go to mainland china :'(
If you want to be friends so I can live vicariously through you i'd enjoy that hahaha.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2016
thank you..
Reply - Conversation - Apr 15, 2016
Haha interesting profile, did you end up going back to China?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 21, 2016
Interesting video.
And your Chinese name is beautiful.
inactive user
Hi! I can help you with Chinese.. I'm good at teaching it because my ex is an American girl who learned Chinese for 8 years and she thought I helped her a lot on grammar and volcabulary..i think it's interesting to teach languages because we can find out different people's habits in speaking....
Reply - Conversation - Aug 12, 2015
Thanks for the visit and your Chinese name is nice:)
inactive user
Hello ^^
inactive user
No sorry..
inactive user
Ohh but I seldom go on fb :(
inactive user
hey there's something wrong with interpals here. I cant see your message. Do you have email or skype
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