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Bára YingYang, 28 y.o.
Reykjavík, Iceland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 12 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 852.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 11, 2012
wow art! i like art too but i'm not so creative at it.... but i do like making cards ha!:P
Reply - Conversation - May 7, 2012
i just had my college entrance exam done yesterday!!:D
so now i don't do anything annoying like studying at school heehee.

so what do you like to do?:)
inactive user
Well everyone have there own opinions :p
inactive user
I said hell instead of help in my last reply xD
Movie have more action cuz you can actually see it :p
inactive user
I don't wanna hook up with a book xD
Nope ! I saw the movie. Reading book is really hard for me.
Books are good in a way though, they hell me fall asleep xD
inactive user
Haha... literally xD
You know i will wait for the next movie rather than reading a book cos I will sleep thousand times while reading -__-
inactive user
You are 15 ? Odds in favour.... xD
inactive user
You have danish? O_O Awesome! >:o
Heyheyhey hey you dude! :D Oki buddy then :D
Do you have facebook? xD
inactive user
Haha xD GREAT to hear :D
Hmm now i listening music xD haha
And you? :33
inactive user
D: Oki i wont forgive you, Im mad to you 4 ever :D
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