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Charlie, 35 y.o.
Syracuse, United States [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 43.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2014
We'll done on the beard and mustache tip!
inactive user
Hey! I like to listen about history about war from everywhere. I also like "Preliator" song from "Globus" that reminding me the battlefield of the medieval knights.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 13, 2014
Thank you for existing.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2013
What you meant to say was, it's "Fantastic!" lol Allons-y!
inactive user
Yes I thought so because of the top hat haha. Yes steampunk does remind me of that time though. I've never been to a steampunk convention so I have no idea what it's all about, I've only seen the different outfits
inactive user
Cool mustache :{
inactive user
Hey, are you of Baltic origin? I take it that you have seen the film "Herkus Mantas"?
inactive user
Are you into steampunk? Just curious
inactive user
You were a pain to find. I thought you said "Forager" not "forger.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 7, 2012
hello how are u doing i hope u are fine an i am looking for good an honest frinedship, we can chat more on skype or msn , i am 25 year old man an i am a student
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