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Rachid Alejandro, 35 y.o.

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 177.
inactive user
oh, I see. much work and not enough resting.
I have a small project in group at university and have been a bit busy days
Weather doesn't please me haha
I study the examination of goods and merchandising, bit commercy but it's not very interesting :)
inactive user
exactly. if don't practice the language. some words are forgotten :\
oh work. you have two free days?
inactive user
languages) especially german)) i like it)

that's nice))
inactive user
I study))
inactive user
wow) very responsible and important job)) do you like it?)

i'm fine))
inactive user
I and 5 languages? Oh but you know more :)
My days was pretty good, but today I just decided to read a couple of books and write a couple of letters.
So how about your days?
inactive user
Yeah)) of course)) why not))
how are you?)
inactive user
Hello Rachid. haha, tequila and good food it's good :)
Nice to meet you too! :)
inactive user
hello))) greetings from Ukraine)) nice to meet you too ;)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2014
¡Hola! ¿cómo estas?
Me llamo Roxana y soy de la Rpública Checa :)
I am not that much into tequilla and I have been learning spanish for about half a year at school :D Though, I really like Mexican food.
It is great to meet you.
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