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Oz, 32 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 730.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2017
Hiiii!!!!! it's been really really long time haha, how are u doing? :)
I'm doing fine, studying for now ^^ What about u?
Reply - Conversation - May 5, 2016
Hii !!! How are u doing? :)
It's been such long time !
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2014
Happy Birthdayn sorry but I'm late :x ^_^'
I hope you that you had good fun :)
inactive user
hahaha biarin
inactive user
Yeeeah I'm quite busy ><
inactive user
oke wis biar aku bs kepoin kamu haha
inactive user
mas.. mas.. mau temenan sama saya ngga di interpals? :p
inactive user
europe?oke i'll try :)
inactive user
emm maybe. i just get some from cairo and palestine -.-
inactive user
iya dong, biar kaya kamu
i see your profile haha sorry :p
and i think you're really easy to get close with someone (girl), right?
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