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Marilyn, 28 y.o.
Lima, Peru [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 80.
inactive user
Oh haha :D
How are you?
inactive user
huh? you mean you can or you can't? XD
inactive user
bien :)
I'm sorry that I can't speak too much Spanish -.-
Reply - Conversation - Mar 26, 2013
Hello!I am Zhang Jiaqi
But you can call me Kenive,I come from China!
inactive user
Hola!!! =D

¿Cómo estás?
inactive user
Oh, wow, it's looke like a real drama :D is it funny at least? :) I prefer the funny doramas.. the humor is different from european and I like it :) And nowadays I'm so excited for learning korean and japanese! I want to learn it someday, but now I don't have time for it so these few words I know are from watching doramas and anime. :) Korean is easier and japanese more beautiful, welll.. :D and btw, do you know the japanese band heidi.? :) their music is great.. but you probably know it, cause one of their song was the ending of Kaichou wa Maid-sama :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2013
Jaja muy bien ^^
hablo no bien espanol xD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 17, 2013
hey :)
inactive user
hehe, Stairway to heaven seems interesting, by the name! what is it about? :D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 16, 2013
Ojj Hola! :)
Que tal? :>
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