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Ema, 28 y.o.
Belgrade, Serbia [Current City & Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Relationship status

In a relationship

Joined 6 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 5, 2019
Many greetings to you from Czech Republic.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2018
you are a very beautiful girl
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2018
Hi Ema! Why I'm not surprised there are midhunter and twin peaks between your favourite tv series? 😜 Just kidding, even if I'm not studying it I'm interested in psycology too, so I watched them too. Greetings from Italy!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2018
Cool profile! Great taste in movies and music :D
inactive user
Awesome :DD Can I drop you a pm later? I tend write awfully long messages and going by your profile you seem that type of person with whom I would end up having long conversations and debates about science, philosophies, the meaning of life and so on.

Wowzer! (...:DD) I was actually quite amazed that "Before The Storm" turned out to be really good, because let's be honest: Prequels usually suck :DD So it was a pleasant surprise that I enjoyed the game almost as much as its predecessor. Oh don't worry, "Farewell" is coming out on march 6. so get your tissues ready :DD

It's okay, I tend to be busy with studying as well, though I study programming at home, which means I don't have to deal with stuff like classes and their attendance sheets so f*ck yeah I guess :DD Psychology eh? Sounds dope. Are you going only for Bachelor or Master as well? Are you planning to be like Harley Quinn at Arkham Asylum from Batman? Because that'd awesome :DD I'm ENTP by the way, "The Debater" awww yeah. So come at me Ms. INFP :DD

Anyway, take care

inactive user
I don't know why, but I think I've landed on your profile at least 5 times this day or so. So I thought I'd drop you a short message and say hello. So uh.. Hi! My name is Peter. It's nice to meet you. Currently I'm enjoying my 5 months vacation (best job ever) and thought I'd register on this site out of mainly boredom, but also in hopes of meeting cool people and just b*tch about life and stuff. You seem like one of these cool people so... what's up :DD

Twin Peaks and video games huh? Well, I can't tell you much about the former topic, but a lot more about the latter one. But if you like both, then you might want to check out the game called "Life Is Strange" and its prequel if you haven't already of course. A great adventure game which I also enjoyed a great deal. Even gave me a few pointers to some great bands.

Anyway! I'm rambling around too much again so I'll stop for now :DD Hope to hear from you soon!

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