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Miri, 33 y.o.
Moscow, Russia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 58.
inactive user
You should check out the band Kittie =]
Reply - Conversation - Jul 28, 2012

Sorry writing with russian keybord on computer takes me to much time :D. What's up?
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2012
приветик. как твой дела?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6, 2012
Nice to meet you :)
Reply - Conversation - May 28, 2012
Konban wa Miri-Chan,
We haven't chatted in ages, how are things on your end?
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2012
Здравствуй, Miri! ;)
PS: Хороший вкус в музыке (ASP, Sopor Aeternus, Haggard, Unheilig... ;)))
inactive user
okay, maybe not so much in details but i've had a few russian friends here i thought i was getting a good close friends with her and one day she disappeared without saying anything... happened to a few of my russian friends and a lot of russian women don't want to talk much about themselves... i want to know about them but i can't, so i don't understand them
inactive user
i can write you later with the glorious detail but now i'm running experiments... dasvidanya
inactive user
hmmm to make a long story short, russian women are mysterious...
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