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Jordan, 29 y.o.
Panama City, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
inactive user
I hope nothing bad happenend to you while Sandy was roaming!
inactive user
Dear Jordan it's your birthday!!!
I hope you're having a lot of fun and got a lot of presents and love from your family and friends!
Stay the way you are! :~)
inactive user
Thank you so much. That place is called "Torres del Paine", It is really beautiful.
I see you can play the saxophone...woow :)
Huuuugs from Chile :)
inactive user
Hope you're doing well Jordan!
inactive user
Haha, hey Jordan!

It's not your fault, I'm glad you're busy at the moment, means you have a lot of fun!
Manly? Haha, what does it make manly? I'm curious!
It's the most used word by guys, I believe. I'm sorry. Haha
You can inbox me anytime, guess you know that hah!
Talk to you soon. :-)
inactive user
Dear jordan I miss you, and I hope you're having fun but please come back... :c Im lost without you. <3
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2012
You seem like the book shy kind of person but you dance which is unusual for shy people.
inactive user
inactive user
hi! I can help you in french and we could become friend if we speak :)
inactive user
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