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Igor, 65 y.o.
Yekaterinburg, Russia [Current City & Hometown]



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Joined 6 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2022
К стати Иван Охлобыстин выкупил права на " дом2 " и тут же его закрыл. Как сам написал батюшка: " Распустил всех артистов по родным публичным и сумасшедшим домам "
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2022
Здравствуйте, Helenika ! Стараюсь ни с кем не спорить, но свою точку зрения выражаю. Чем больше объективной информации, тем больше людей на светлой стороне.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 26, 2022
Remember who used nuclear weapons against Nagasaki and Hiroshimi. The Russians have never used such weapons. Now the Russians are liberating Ukraine from the Nazis. The people thank them for this. Good evening and objective information.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 26, 2022
Thank you to tell me about your side of excuses.
Before making conversation with you, I can’t understand to see expressions of atomic bombs dropping suddenly, because almost all people where I know abroad will not tell such a dangerous expression usually. I think Russia has always such a idea to drop atomic bombs against other countries.
I think that we have to make more precautions against neighboring country like your country.
Have a nice day.
inactive user
Слава Україна!
Мать твою йоп!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2022
Like Poland during the second world war? Who was it again, who attacked from the east? And was then "the victim" when Germany, the other aggressor, attacked them? Sort out your own history, pal.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2022
The reason for this war can be found in open sources, but not on TV. Read the committee of 300 book and everything will begin to clear up.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2022
When two "fight" look constantly for third.
Who pushes their foreheads.
And who will definitely benefit from this "war".

Two fight, the third rejoices. ancient wisdom.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2022
Problems is that you don't understand what is going on the world.
And you aren't Nostradamus, you can't know what would happen in the future if something happen in past in the other way.
Don't you still understand what's going on in Ukraine now?? Haven't you noticed that Russian soldiers from Russia there are killing thousands Russian native speaking civilians from Ukraine? Native Ukrainian speaking part of population is living in the west of Ukraine - a part which very little damaged by war itself. How would you explain that fact? Or would you decline it, too?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2022
OMG!!! You're an absolute victim of lie propaganda of Putin's state media! Do you believe by own in any of it???
The problem is that you're far from Ukraine in you don't see a reality what is well hidden by dictator Putin from you. We have those Ukrainian refugees around us now here - I have no problem to talk with them and I can now what's in reality going there now. You don' t have such possibility - that's a difference between us.
Yes, you're true - WWII is not ended, there haven't been Nuremberg over Soviet Union war crimes.

p.s. do you know which is the most hated country in Europe now? It's Russia now, you can only guess why.
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