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Liudmila, 38 y.o.
Samara, Russia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person


Graduate degree


Project coordinator

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 13, 2023
Hi, thank you for visiting my profile.
You have an impressive profile. Project coordinator, about same as me.
An great language skills.
Wishing you a very nice day from Norway.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 27, 2022
Old horror movies? Frankly speaking, I'm not a fan of horror in general, but I like Dario Argento's works, if they can be called horror.
They're very colorful.
You meant films like "Darcula" and "Dr. Caligari cabinet"?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 27, 2022
I love old movies in black-and-white. Something about the quality of the picture. Do you like old horror movies too?
inactive user
Very good looking profile you have! I adore Russian culture and I would love to live there one day. I wish you all the best and please take care!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 5, 2012
Its been a while since last time Lola, Hope you are fine and I hope you are taking care because of the cold weather, well maybe you are used to but anyway for someone like me, maybe for the location, is something to worry, well not everyone, just you cause you live on a cold place and cause I heard about that cold mass moving maybe there is colder than usual, I hope im on mistake ^^"

Take care, be unique, smile always, and move on ^^
inactive user
☭ привет товарищ ☭
inactive user
yeah, nightwish are superb, but i don´t think they are a bit power metal. in fact i dont have idea about what they play, maybe heavy metal with keyboards. I only listen to a few power metal groups like helloween or stratovarius, but not much really
inactive user
On thing that I dislike about modern movies is the rising importance of special effects. Soon there are whole movies that rely so much on them that actors have a smaller role.

Renoir was active in the 30's-50's. I'd recommend his movie Grand Illusion which is about war but says a lot. It is really beautiful in a humanistic way. Rules of the Games, Diary of a Chambermaid, and The Human beast are other notable works. BTW These are all English titles for his French movies.
inactive user
i respect in some way paganism, is a religion that don´t cause any harm to anybody... but i don´t need a religion to feel myself better really. i like any kind of metal except some genres that i don´t like very much like power metal or heavy metal...
inactive user
Monroe and Deneuve were so beautiful. They're your favorite actresses?

I'll sound frivolous but Bergmann is usually to heavy for me. Jean Renoir maybe my favorite director lately.
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