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Andrew, 36 y.o.
New York City, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 870.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2014
haha....a period of time
your dog so cute :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2013
Hi man and sorry to bother you, but i´m writing my team´s playbook, and i need to decipher some plays. Lacrosse is not very well known in here and i need some help with plays! Thanks for reading and if you are interested you´ll be of great help.

Best, Pablo
inactive user
hello :)
inactive user
Im eunyeong I find good and nice friends
yeap actually Im not good at English lol
Can u teach me?lol
I Can teach u about korean
please send me a message for me lol
have a good day!
inactive user
Abramovich, yupp that's my daddykins!
inactive user
Yeah, he played much better in Russia, but then something happened with him. How are you?
inactive user
Hi there. Arsenal, really? So you know who Arshavin is haha
inactive user
"I would like to be of assistance to any Nigerian royal family members who need some cash wired to them."
^Been getting messages from the princes of Ghana as well, I assume? haha
inactive user
Because its fun :D
My father happens to own Chelsea football club.. After he found out I supported 'Man utd he disowned me.
inactive user
LOL heck no -_-
I've never been a fan of Chelsea, I'm a Man utd fan from the year 2000 woop.
Yes, I know I live in London not in Manchester.
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