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Elly, 28 y.o.
Narvik, Norway [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 81.
inactive user
반가워요! nice to meet you!!!! :)
inactive user
Ah no problem ^^
nice too meet u
Reply - Conversation - Jan 25, 2015
Hei! Jeg så du bor i Norge og liker K- og J-pop. Jeg har så få venner med samme interesser så meg, så jeg tenkte jeg skulle stikke innom og legge igjen en melding ^w^
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Dec 11, 2014
oh thats alright good to see you again ^^
yes I know I wrote a litttle to much hahaha
but you can take your time replying I dont mind ^^
have a great day, see you soon ^^
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2014
im sohee :)
I want to talk with you more~
see you someday~~
Reply - Conversation - Dec 6, 2014
Hi Hi!! Elly
before anything I want to apologies
for my very late reply, I’m truly Sorry =(
I just now had the chance to read and to reply to your

Oh!! Wow that’s awesome ^^ but isn’t it a lot of work?

hahaha I don’t like ji suk that much ==
he is too weak – wish he does better…

and well I work for a hospital my department
is called Central Supply, and I basically stock and restock
supplies for the hospital as well patient care. ^^

So tell me how is your weekend going?
do you have any plans?

what else do you like to do? ^^

You know Elly, you kinda of look like . Song Ga Yeon the korean MMA fighter ^^!!
do you know her? or maybe im just crazy lol sorry...

Im so sorry for my late reply =__=)/
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2014
Oh wow you work^^? if is ok to ask can you tell me where you work?
and my day was ok, just like you I had to go to work hahaha
and today its my day off ^^ so right now im just enjoying my free time
watching some tv and browsing some stuff online ^^

wow you watch running man too thats awesome
I watch running man too, I like kim jung kook, sonjihyo and kang Gary ^^ they are ma favorite characters ^^

what about yours?^^
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2014
hello Elly, thank you so much for droping a line on my side ^^
and thank you so much once more for the good wishes ^^

so tell me Elly how was your day today? ^^
did anything amazing happen ^^!!!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2014
hello there^^ sorry for the random visit ^^
hope you having a wonderful day ^^
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