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Avital, 28 y.o.
Los Angeles, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
inactive user
hi! it's amazing that you have been learning japanese for such a long time!!
inactive user
f(x) k pop?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 23, 2015
こちらこそ よろしくおねぎいします。
How are you today?
I'm also learning Japanese and plan to go to Japan for exchange. But just a beginning learner. haha~
What's your major?

By the way, I can teach you Chinese, if you want because you mentioned that you are learning kanji.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2015
Hi Avital! How are you? :) Welcome on interpals! ;)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2015
Hello! i'm Felipe:)
if you want, i can tell you about japan or Brazil, i Brazilian but i live in Japan and i can speak Japanese and i studied in Japanese school!
i want training my english we can do exchange !
sand me a message if you want
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2015
Hi~ Welcome to Interpal.XD
My name is Wing from Taiwan. How are you? Um, let me introduce myself first. My mother tongue is Mandarin. I'm a junior in the college and major in English. And now I'm also Japanese learner. I like to exercise, watch TV, and listen to music. I wish we can be friends and share our cultures or something interesting to each other.
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