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AliceRae, 34 y.o.
Andover, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 35.
inactive user
greeting from a person who can teach you korean lolz
inactive user
hii :)i am dilara fro Turkeyy how are you :)
inactive user
haha, I knew it was a long shot, but I just had to ask.
I because there is a place not far from Winniepeg, where they have a road called "Aksel road". And I really want that roadsign!
So either I have come to Canada and do it myself, or get somebody to do it for me, which is a lot easier d:
inactive user
actually here is not snowing :PP sorry ahaa
i want to get a food party, and ill fight in THAT party :P with ppls
sometimes i thoght i want to be a foodfighter (seriously joke)
inactive user
HERE is also greatly cold.... not jk really really really really cold!!!!
(if you pee at outside, your pee would be ice cream soon. and sorry for my crap english skill)
did you get patry?
hm.. im not a lucky girl, my life is always never fun,,,
inactive user
How close do you live to Winnipeg?
inactive user
(you look so pretty ,and you look like Britney Spears)
anywayyyy, im hm just fine :P
not too bad not too happy not too funny just..
and you too?
and how spent your b-day?
inactive user
happy b day to you :P <3
inactive user
hey whats up im ryan!! i like your personality. youre pretty funny.
inactive user
Thanks for responding me back. Okay. Though you're response would be delayed, I'll give my patience on it. haha And You can ask me all about Korea. I'll explain you in detail. 만나서 반가워!! (Mannaseo bangawoe!! -Good to see you here!!-)
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