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Agata, 28 y.o.
Kraśnik, Poland [Current City]


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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2014
m fine n how about u
inactive user
:)) my final exam is coming too and I have to be serious for entrance university:-)
well, how can I explane what is sport color event hahah:)) umm it is a sport match and teams are separated by 5 color,purple,orange,yellow,blue,green and I'm purple team:) I hope you will be clear yey yey:))

yes I like a snow but in my country we got problem such as flood because of rain so if my country had a snow so I think it's gonna be a big flood hahaa but if I want to see a snow I can go to amusement park there is a snow land and has a artificial snow so I can have a little fun ,imagine that I am in North Pole ahahahah;))

well,where do you plan to go when school's out ? I think I cannot go to anywhere because I have to stay home and read lot of books or go to tutor center:)
if you have problem or others dismal you can write to me and drain it off :))
have a great time byeeeee :'))
inactive user
well, I have 1 older sister and she’s 19 .we always quarrel everday haha, but now she stays in university dorm that make me feel alone sometimes :)

I live in Bangkok, capital in Thailand. And every morning, a traffic jam is very bad so I almost go to school late everyday : )) but it’s because I get up late too heheheh ;D

tomorrow, my school will held a new year event all day and I don’t have to study yeyy!:) my friends plan to make party in classroom and give presents by drawing lots. Today after school, I decorate my classroom with friends, it’s sooo muchhh fun!!!:))
and next day,28th , my school will held sport colors event ( close ceremony ) and I’m purple :) hah. This week is such a activity week. There are many funny things to do. every activity that I participate,I always enjoy.:))
yeah, my school emphasizes about activity so much cause they want students can work together with understanding , not only concentrate to study.
however, after a new year I think I have to study hard to get ready for final test in Feb TT that’s so serious I don’t want to think about it TOT

yeahh, so what about you in every day? what do you play with snow? I want my country have snow but I know it’s impossible -.-

p.s.: your english is not terrible,it’s even better than me!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 21, 2012
hi me kent i like your place ?????nice 2 meet u?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 11, 2012
hello, thanks for viewing :)
inactive user
ohh thank you so much for your thought :D
in thailand we have many temples cause most of thai are buddhist .
so what about culture, i think the most famous culture in thailand is Songkran. it refers to thai's new year but many foreigners know by 'water festival' haha . it starts on 13-15 aprill in the mornig we offer foods to monks and after that we start to splash water to others ,some like a la tomatina in spain hahah :D that's a funny moment and i think many foreigners like it =)
so if you want to travel in thailand, i recommend you to go to chaing-mai or beach in phuket . both are really beautiful but i never go to there hahah =)
so how about your country and cultures? please write in detail i want to know too! :'D
inactive user I have no interests TT
at present I study hard cause I have to entrance university next year.
sometimes I feel bored but I relax by listening music ,facebook or watching movies.
so what's about you??:'))
inactive user
nice to meet you too! I'm Fang from thailand and you?
inactive user
hi! can i be your friend? =)
inactive user
thxx for the visit~
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